ED Espresso cup 0.1L, GRESPRESSO, Soft pink|Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Costa Nova - Grespresso
Portugalská společnost Costa Nova se vyznačuje výrobou vysoce kvalitního stolního kameninového nádobí a doplňků. Jejich produkty jsou známé především pro svůj nekonečný rozsah kombinací, barev a kvalitního zpracování, které zaručuje vysoce odolné nádobí. Nejen pro to jsou výrobky dodávány i do Michelinských restaurací.
Výroba nádobí značky Costa Nova spojuje nejnovější výrobní technologii s ruční prací. Je tak perfektní pro každou příležitost.
Costa Nova. To je starodávné řemeslo, elegantní design a vysoká kvalita.
Kolekce Grespresso
Je nadčasová a má svůj vlastní styl. Každý kus je origiál. Šálky mají nejedno využití. Vychutnáte si z nich svou oblíbenou černou kávu, poslouží Vám jako miniatury na bufetovém stole a nebo je využijete jako dekoraci při zdobení sváteční tabule. Nechte se unášet na vlnách barev a udělejte si den o kapku krásnější.
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Kč 133
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Kč 177
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Kč 149
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 133
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 149
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 177
Kč 239
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 177
Kč 239
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 177
Kč 239
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 177
Kč 239
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 177
Kč 239
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 177
Kč 239
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 177
Kč 239
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 177
Kč 239
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 177
Kč 239
In stock
The Grespresso wheel is inspired by the waves of the ocean, the sunset and the colors of the sand. I...
Costa Nova
Kč 179
In stock
Handmade pieces, rich in color and texture contrast. The products of the Grespresso Eco Gres collect...
Costa Nova
Kč 179
In stock
Handmade pieces, rich in color and texture contrast. The products of the Grespresso Eco Gres collect...
Costa Nova
Kč 179
In stock
Handmade pieces, rich in color and texture contrast. The products of the Grespresso Eco Gres collect...
Costa Nova
Kč 179
In stock
Handmade pieces, rich in color and texture contrast. The products of the Grespresso Eco Gres collect...
Costa Nova
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