ED Plate, 28cm, IBIZA, blue (marine) (SALE)|Casafina
€ 14.77
In stock
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition of earthenware, and the word is often misused to describe other ceramic products. In the factories in COSTA NOVA, Portugal, the ancient skills of modeling and decorating are combined with modern technology in a special process that produces high-quality fine stoneware that will withstand daily use for many years. Made in a single firing system heated up to 1180?C (2160?F), this stoneware is very strong and durable. Its glazed surface is all-glass, which gives the products high resistance to thermal and mechanical shocks. YOU CAN FIND RECOMMENDED CARE FOR EARTHWARE IN THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TAB.
COSTA NOVA earthenware products are processed by hand, which gives them a unique character. Any irregularities, color variations or minor imperfections should not be considered defects, but unique signs of authenticity. GLASSWARE: Glassware under the COSTA NOVA brand is made in Europe. The glass collections are made from either pressed glass or glass blown using semi-manual methods. The glasses are dishwasher safe. However, hand washing will extend the life of the products. RECOMMENDED CARE FOR GLASS PRODUCTS CAN BE FOUND IN THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS TAB.
CASAFINA • to jsou originální, ručně glasované kameninové kousky do Vaší kuchyně • jejich sortimentem si vybavíte kuchyň nádherným kameninovým • nádobím, které Vaši spokojenost zaručí svou vysokou kvalitou, vyladěným designem a neotřelou klasikou • vybírat můžete z mnoha druhů kombinací barevných vzorů, a detailů • CASAFINA je opět dokonalým prvkem, který zaručeně obohatí Vaše stolování o netradiční spojení nevtíravého luxusu a notné dávky uklidňující přírody • se zvyšující se poptávkou po udržitelném růstu si CASAFINA stanovila tuto prioritu - snahu ekologizovat a minimalizovat dopad výroby na životní prostředí. Každý den se tedy zavazuje chránit životní prostředí a vyhýbat se zbytečným škodám prostřednictvím zdrojů, které používají, a produktů, které vyrábí. • CASAFINA považuje své produkty a provoz za součást dlouhodobého životního cyklu a je odhodlána lépe se starat o komunitu a svět. • CASAFINA = INOVATIVNÍ DESIG. Společnost Casafina se zavázala k dodržování nejvyšších standardů kvality, služeb a designu, představujících jedinečné, nadčasové a současně trendy kolekce. • SUROVINY: vyrábí z nejlepších přírodních (a místních) zdrojů v Portugalsku • ZVLÁŠTNÍ A JEDINEČNÁ POVRCHOVÁ ÚPRAVA (glazura): originální vzorce pro vytvoření krásných povrchových úprav nádobí • JEDNODUCHÝ SYSTÉM VYPÁLENÍ VÝROBKU: výpal na 1180 ° C (2160 ° F), který vytváří jedinečné keramické tělo se zvláštním spojením mezi hlínou a povrchem • ODOLNOST A ODOLNOST: díky tomuto originálnímu vzorci je kamenina vysoce odolná vůči tepelným i mechanickým nárazům. • BEZPEČNÉ POTRAVINY: všechny výrobky jsou v souladu s mezinárodními normami, protože neobsahují olovo ani kadmium. TÍMTO BYCHOM VÁM RÁDI PŘEDSTAVILI NAŠE TOP ZBOŽÍ, KTERÉ NESE OZNAČENÍ Premium Quality *****
To the goods ED Plate, 21cm, IBIZA, yellow (sand) (SALE)|Casafina we recommend to buy in addition the following products:
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EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
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EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
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EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
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!!! SALE OF THE LAST PIECES!!! EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no...
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
The Pearl collection was inspired by the wealth of European ceramics of the 18th and 19th centuries....
Ibiza is a beautiful, radiant collection that mirrors the surface of the sea. Its original and uniqu...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
EARTHWARE: Not all earthenware is created equal. In fact, there is no standard, universal definition...
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