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    ED VIDRIOS SAN MIGUEL !RECYCLED GLASS! Glass made of recycled glass "COCA COLA" 0.6L, clear

    100% RECYCLED GLASS from Spain. VIDRIOS San Miguel started its journey already in 1985, when the decision was made to produce products only from 100% recycled glass. They have maintained this compromise with the environment and intend to do so in the future. Glass is obtained from glass containers and collected by a specialized company that transports it to a recycling plant. The glass is then selected, treated and then transported to a factory for recycling. Only 100% recycled glass is used without any additives. They comply with all aspects of the Kyoto Protocol and international treaties that oblige all parties to reduce greenhouse gases.
    Design, quality and style. All these sheets can be recycled repeatedly without any loss of quality. Once you buy recycled glass, you are essentially closing the loop. You will get your hands on completely original, imaginative, beautiful and high-quality pieces with which you will equip not only your kitchen, house, apartment or office, but will also be beneficial for the environment.

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    Our price:
    € 4.90
    In stock
    San Miguel
    Ego Dekor
    Product code:
    24 měsíců
    0.39 kg
    San Miguel

    Product description

    100% RECYKLOVANÉ SKLO ze Španělska. Výroba tohoto recyklovaného skla se datuje již od roku 1985. Díky kombinaci nejmodernějších technologií s tradičním sklářským řemeslem, vzniká škála až 25 000 různých tvarů, barev, struktur, povrchových úprav a kombinací materiálů.

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